
overeaters anonymous造句


  1. Then she tried Overeaters Anonymous, treatment centers and special camps.
  2. FA was established in 1998 by former members of Overeaters Anonymous.
  3. Through Rossetto, however, Mitnick attended Overeaters Anonymous sessions and trimmed down.
  4. Why not send Dagwood to Overeaters Anonymous?
  5. For information about meetings, call Overeaters Anonymous Hotline at ( 800 ) 589-6262.
  6. It's difficult to find overeaters anonymous in a sentence. 用overeaters anonymous造句挺难的
  7. 1960 _ Overeaters Anonymous is formed, a weight-loss program using Alcoholics Anonymous'12-step concept.
  8. One study looking at Overeaters Anonymous found that 70 percent of the members had a binge eating disorder, Shapira said.
  9. _Overeaters Anonymous is a 12-step program for people with eating disorders, including compulsive overeating, anorexia and bulimia.
  10. Overeaters Anonymous estimates its membership at over 60, 000 people in about 6, 500 groups meeting in over 75 countries.
  11. Sexaholics Anonymous, Workaholics Anonymous, Neurotics Anonymous, Victims Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, and Alcoholics Anonymous _ to name a few.
  12. Overeaters Anonymous, P . O . Box 44020, Rio Rancho, N . M . 87174; ( 505 ) 891-2664.
  13. A graduate of Cathedral High School in Boston and Stonehill College, DeSisto himself is in a 12-step recovery program, Overeaters Anonymous.
  14. There are many activities at the library for people of all ages including various story times, a writing group and weekly Overeaters Anonymous meetings.
  15. Raquel G . spoke easily of losing 80 pounds and learning to abstain from sugar and flour as a member of Overeaters Anonymous for 31 years.
  16. I tell my clients to go to family gatherings with a list of Overeaters Anonymous meetings, and phone numbers of people they can call for support.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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